“On the Optimal Choice of Capital Intensity in LDCs with Migration,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 9, 1981.
“On Migration and Risk in LDCs,” (with David Levhari), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 31, 1982. (Reprinted in Mathias Czaika and Carlos Vargas-Silva (eds.), Migration and Economic Growth. Cheltenham: Elgar, 2012.)
“Migration, Growth, Distribution and Welfare,” (with Shlomo Yitzhaki), Economics Letters, Vol. 10, 1982.
“Rural-to-Urban Migration in LDCs: A Relative Deprivation Approach,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 32, 1984. (Reprinted in Oliver Bakewell (ed.), Migration and Development. Cheltenham: Elgar, 2012.)
“Migration and Asymmetric Information,” (with Eliakim Katz), The American Economic Review, Vol. 74, 1984.
“Discontinuity and the Theory of International Migration,” Kyklos, Vol. 37, 1984. (Reprinted in Robin Cohen (ed.), Theories of Migration. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1996.)
“The New Economics of Labour Migration,” (with David Bloom), The American Economic Review, Vol. 75, 1985. (Reprinted in Victor Piché (ed.), Migrations Fondamental Theories. Paris: Institut National Etudes Démographiques, 2012.)
“On Private Charity and Altruism,” Public Choice, Vol. 46, 1985.
“Motivations to Remit,” (with Robert E.B. Lucas), Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 93, 1985. (Reprinted in Robin Cohen (ed.), Theories of Migration. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1996.)
“Labor Migration and Risk Aversion in LDCs,” (with Eliakim Katz), Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 4, 1986.
“On the Shadow Wage of Urban Jobs in LDCs,” (with Eliakim Katz), Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 20, 1986.
“Remittances and Inequality,” (with J. Edward Taylor and Shlomo Yitzhaki), The Economic Journal, Vol. 96, 1986.
“Migration, Information and the Costs and Benefits of Signalling,” (with Eliakim Katz), Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 17, 1987.
“International Migration under Asymmetric Information,” (with Eliakim Katz), The Economic Journal, Vol. 97, 1987.
“Cooperating Adversaries,” Kyklos, Vol. 40, 1987.
“Migration, Remittances and the Family,” (with Robert E.B. Lucas), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 36, 1988.
“Migration, Remittances and Inequality: A Sensitivity Analysis Using the Extended Gini Index,” (with J. Edward Taylor and Shlomo Yitzhaki), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 28, 1988.
“On Marriage and Migration,” European Journal of Population, Vol. 4, 1988.
“Merging Populations, Stochastic Dominance and Lorenz Curves,” (with Shlomo Yitzhaki), Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 1, 1988.
“Altruism Within the Family Reconsidered: Do Nice Guys Finish Last?,” (with B. Douglas Bernheim), The American Economic Review, Vol. 78, 1988. (Reprinted in Stefano Zamagni (ed.), The Economics of Altruism. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1995.)
“Individual Migration as a Family Strategy: Young Women in the Philippines,” (with Jennifer L. Lauby), Population Studies, Vol. 42, 1988.
“International Labour Migration under Alternative Informational Regimes: A Diagrammatic Analysis,” (with Eliakim Katz), European Economic Review, Vol. 33, 1989.
“Relative Deprivation and International Migration,” (with J. Edward Taylor), Demography, Vol. 26, 1989. (Reprinted in Mathias Czaika and Carlos Vargas-Silva (eds.), Migration and Economic Growth. Cheltenham: Elgar, 2012.)
“Altruism and the Quality of Life,” The American Economic Review, Vol. 79, 1989. (Reprinted in Stefano Zamagni (ed.), The Economics of Altruism. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1995.)
“Consumption Smoothing, Migration and Marriage: Evidence from Rural India,” (with Mark R. Rosenzweig), Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 97, 1989. (Reprinted in T. Paul Schultz (ed.), Economic Demography. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1998; and in Christopher Barrett (ed.), Development Economics: Critical Concepts in Development Studies. London: Routledge, 2007.)
“Policy Comparisons with an Agglomeration Effects-Augmented Dual Economy Model,” (with Vibhooti Shukla), Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 27, 1990.
“Migrants’ Savings, the Probability of Return Migration and Migrants’ Performance,” (with Oded Galor), International Economic Review, Vol. 31, 1990.
“A Relative Deprivation Approach to Performance Incentives in Career Games and other Contests,” Kyklos, Vol. 43, 1990.
“The Impact of Differences in the Level of Technology on International Labour Migration,” (with Oded Galor), Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 4, 1991. (Reprinted in Pedro Goulart, Raul Ramos, and Gianluca Ferrittu (eds.), Global Labour in Distress. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
“The Probability of Return Migration, Migrants' Work Effort, and Migrants' Performance,” (with Oded Galor), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 35, 1991.
“Migration Incentives, Migration Types: The Role of Relative Deprivation,” (with J. Edward Taylor), The Economic Journal, Vol. 101, 1991.
“How Altruism Can Prevail in an Evolutionary Environment,” (with Theodore C. Bergstrom), The American Economic Review, Vol. 83, 1993. (Reprinted in Stefano Zamagni (ed.), The Economics of Altruism. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1995.)
“Nonmarket Transfers and Altruism,” European Economic Review, Vol. 37, 1993. (Reprinted in Stefano Zamagni (ed.), The Economics of Altruism. Cheltenham: Elgar, 1995.)
“Frontier Issues in International Migration,” Proceedings of The World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, Supplement to The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer, 1995. (Reprinted in International Regional Science Review, Vol. 19, 1996.)
“Return and Dynamics: The Path of Labor Migration When Workers Differ in Their Skills and Information is Asymmetric,” Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 97, 1995.
“A Brain Gain with a Brain Drain,” (with Christian Helmenstein and Alexia Prskawetz), Economics Letters, Vol. 55, 1997.
“Migrants' Savings, Purchasing Power Parity, and the Optimal Duration of Migration,” (with Christian Helmenstein and Yury Yegorov), International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 4, 1997.
“Transfers, Empathy Formation, and Reverse Transfers,” (with Ita Falk), The American Economic Review, Vol. 88, 1998. (Reprinted in Jean Mercier Ythier, Serge-Christophe Kolm, and Louis-André Gérard-Varet (eds.), The Economics of Reciprocity, Giving and Altruism. London: Macmillan, 2000.)
“Equal Bequests and Parental Altruism: Compatibility or Orthogonality?,” Economics Letters, Vol. 60, 1998.
“Human Capital Depletion, Human Capital Formation, and Migration: A Blessing or a “Curse”?,” (with Christian Helmenstein and Alexia Prskawetz), Economics Letters, Vol. 60, 1998. (Reprinted in Bertram Schefold (ed.), Economic Interests and Cultural Determinants in European Integration. Bozen/Bolzano: European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, 2000.)
“On the Economics of Vanishing,” Economics Letters, Vol. 61, 1998.
“Siblings, Strangers, and the Surge of Altruism,” Economics Letters, Vol. 65, 1999.
“A Theory of Migration as a Response to Relative Deprivation,” (with You Qiang Wang), The German Economic Review, Vol. 1, 2000.