“Why Do Women Interact with Their Parents More Often Than Men? The Demonstration Effect vs. the Biological Effect: Comment,” The Social Science Journal, Vol. 52, 2015.
“Economy in Society,” Review. Economica, Vol. 82, 2015.
“Comment: ‘Neigbourhood Attachment in Ethnically Diverse Areas: The Role of Interethnic Ties’,” Urban Studies, Vol. 52, 2015.
“The Impact of the Assimilation of Migrants on the Well-Being of Native Inhabitants: A Theory,” (with Jakub Bielawski and Marcin Jakubek), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 111, 2015.
“A Bitter Choice Turned Sweet: How Acknowledging Individuals’ Concern at Having a Low Relative Income Serves to Align Utilitarianism and Egalitarianism,” (with Marcin Jakubek and Martyna Kobus), Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 25, 2015.
“European Monetary Integration and Aggregate Relative Deprivation: The Dull Side of the Shiny Euro,” (with Julia Wlodarczyk), Economics and Politics, Vol. 27, 2015.
“Engineering an Incentive to Search for Work: A Comparison Groups Approach,” (with Marcin Jakubek and Martyna Kobus), Economics Letters, Vol. 132, 2015.
“Gender Differentiation in Risk-Taking Behavior: On the Relative Risk Aversion of Single Men and Single Women,” (with Ewa Zawojska), Economics Letters, Vol. 137, 2015.
“How Inheriting Affects Bequest Plans,” (with Anna Nicinska), Economica, Vol. 82, 2015.
“Comparing the Global and Merged with the Local and Separate: On a Downside to the Integration of Regions and Nations,” Journal of East Asian Economic Integration, Vol. 19, 2015.
“Will a Government Find it Financially Easier to Neutralize a Looming Protest if More Groups are Involved?,” (with Ewa Zawojska), Constitutional Political Economy, Vol. 27, 2016.
“Global Integration and World Migration,” World Economics, Vol.17, 2016.